Monday, August 1, 2011

8/2 Theme and Identi-photo

When I was in 5th grade math class with Mr. Wallace, students would often drift off into the scene outside the windows and let their imaginations wander.  When he would catch someone doing this he would whistle the refrain to"(what a day for a) day dream".  None of us really knew that it was a real song, but I was glad that he recognized that each day this happened, was indeed, custom made for a day dreamin' boy.

If you are reading this during your proverbial math class, and you let your mind wander, I want you to know that I recognize that Tuesday is custom made for a trivia girl/boy (whichever you happen to be, I'm custom making it for you).  The information below should be just what you need to get that trivia brain started...

This weeks theme is 4 WHEELED TRANSPORTATION.  None of that 3 wheelin' junk, and 5 wheels are right out.  Just the 4 wheel kind this week.

See the picture below and figure out what it is by 9:00pm when I will ask a round 2 question about it.  Please don't leave any comments publicly about it before then.

Remember to get to Coleman's EARLY!  Sign ups begin at 8:00pm, and we had 30 teams before 8:15 last week! Once the sign up crowd thins we'll start CHALLENGES! and remember we have Bud and Bud Light buckets for $12 all night (or until they sell every Bud in the house, then it's Blue and Blue light specials).  If you have more questions, check the links in the upper right or email me at

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