Monday, November 28, 2011

11/29 Theme and Identi-photo

...And then the next thing you know it's Tuesday again.  And that means it's trivia night too- ka-ching!

Here is the deal about this week:
1) The theme is CELEBRITIES WHO USE STAGE NAMES (It will be about alot more than their names)
2) This week is DOUBLE POINTS BABY!  Because it's also-
3) The last week of the TOURNAMENT! The winning team will walk away with that sweet Chiminea you saw last week AND a Trophy (And I think T-shirts too...)
4) Check the Identi-photo below and figure out what it is by the time trivia begins and I'll ask a simple question about it.
5) I know that despite my excellent reasons to go to trivia night INSTEAD of the SU game, you will still go to the SU game.  What I propose is that once SU has sufficiently spanked Eastern Michigan that you ALSO come to Coleman's where beer prices are a little more reasonable...

Sign ups start at 8:00, trivia at 9:00!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/22 Results

Check the two lists below to chart how your team did last night, and how you are doing in the tournament that ENDS NEXT WEEK!  That means next week is DOUBLE POINTS, and the winners will get that sweet Budweiser chiminea you saw last night!

Nightly Results:

1-Captain Geech and the Shrimp shack shooters-52
2-I have a tiny penis-51
3-No talent ass clowns-51
4-Our couches pull out but we don't-46
4-E=MC Hammer-46
4-Weekend at Bernies-46
7-Mitch's birthday-45
8-The ginger midgets-44
8-Free Gary Riley-44
10-We don't know Jack, we're just here to mack-41
11-E-Z Dumper-40
12-Dude that's my grandma, but she's hot-39
13-I was conceived by my roommates-38
15-Sandusky's shower buddies-37
16-Suck on these bitch-36
16-Crouching woman Hidden cucumber-36
16-Betsy's sexy & we know it-36
19-I lika the ChaCha-27
20-I'm not gay but 5 bucks is 5 bucks-26
21-Have you seen Mike Hunt?-26
22-Holidays are for fighting-25
22-What would Steve Zahn do?-25
24-Tongue punch your moms fart box-24
25-He's a dentist but still gave me a cavity search-19
26-Splashaholics anonymous-18
27-Fat people are harder to kidnap-16
28-Ray charles can't go to heaven because he can't see the light-13
29-Team Awesome-11

Top 25 teams in the tournament:
1-I have a tiny penis-282
2-No talent ass clowns-278

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/22 Theme and identi-photo

Good news!  We are doing trivia on Tuesday and it's going to be awesome!  This week's theme is "FICTIONAL SPORTS TEAMS"
Remember to get to Coleman's early this week to sign up, first 10 teams get an extra point.  Get points for donating non-perishables and doing "Challenges" too!  Sign ups start at 8:00pm, trivia begins at 9:00

Check the identi-photo below, figure out exactly what it is you are looking at, and you'll be prepared for a question on Tuesday!

There's no SU game and you can call into work on Wednesday if you don't already have it off, so no excuses- play like a champion!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/15 Results

Check the two lists below and see how your team has been doing lately.  Come back to this site next Monday for the theme and identi-photo!

Nightly results:

1-I have a tiny penis-48
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-47
3-No talent ass clowns-45
5-The ginger midgets-39
5-E=MC Hammer-39
7-I'm not gay but 5 bucks is 5 bucks-31
8-Dude that's my grandma, but she's hot-29
8-Skip foreplay and the fondlers-29
10-I lika the ChaCha-27
11-Mike Hunt-26
12-Certified Giants-22
13-Bend over and I will show you-19
14-This is cheerleading not golf-16
15-He's a dentist but still gave me a cavity search-15
16-Sex & a Sandwich-13
17-Kinky Footed pajamas  & snow peas-7
18-I just touch legs--7

Tournament Rankings: Top 25 teams
1-I have a tiny penis-231
2-No talent ass clowns-227

Monday, November 14, 2011

11/15 Theme and Identi-photo

Heeeey everybody! So nice to have you reading my page.  Now that the small talk is over I'll get right down to business.
1) Don't go to the SU game Tuesday.
2) Come to trivia
4) The Identi-photo is below.

Here are the reasons you should come to trivia instead of going to the dome:
1) Tickets to play trivia are free this week!
2) Coleman's has the SU game on TV during trivia... for free
3) You don't have to pay to park at Coleman's, parking is free.
4) You don't get cut off from beer after the 1st round of trivia.
5) You will not pay $6 for a single beer. At Coleman's beer is on sale: Only $2.40 a beer when you buy a bucket of 5!
6) You could win prizes at trivia
7) When you have to go to the bathroom at Coleman's you won't completely inconvenience everyone
8) No one has to crawl all over you to get to their seat at Coleman's
9) SU plays 4 games a week, trivia happens once a week.
10) The teams SU plays against have boring names like the Jaspers and the Bears.  The teams you play against at trivia have much better names...

So I hope to see you at Coleman's tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/8 Results and tournament rankings

See the two lists below for nightly results and the top 25 teams in the tournament, respectively.  Come back here next week on Monday to see the identi-photo and new theme!

Nightly Results:

1-I have a tiny penis-52
2-No talent ass clowns-49
3-I lika the ChaCha-49
4-Free Gary Riley-46
6-Can you please lift your left breast-44
7-Shika Shika Boom Boom-43
8-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-34
10-Dude that's my grandma, but she's hot-32
11-Tongue punch your moms fart box-29
12-The ginger midgets-28
12-It's not rape if you yell "surprise!"-28
14-My other ride is your mom-27
15-Our couches pull out but we don't-26
16-Heart shaped tittles-25
17-Bend over and I will show you-23
18-He's a dentist but still gave me a cavity search-22
19-I'm not gay but 5 bucks is 5 bucks-20
20-E=MC Hammer-17
21-Skip foreplay and the fondlers-14
22-Double D Dream-4

Tournament rankings: top 25 teams
1-I have a tiny penis-183
2-No talent ass clowns-182
3-I lika the ChaCha-167

Monday, November 7, 2011

11/8 Theme and Identi-photo!

Very good to have you back at the home of good times and great trivia!  I am happy to announce that we have another fantastic night of questions lined up for you so keep your reading spectacles on for a few more moments to prepare yourself for Tuesday's trivia test...

This week trivia night is BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE LETTER "V".  What the-!? (<- interrobang)
In just the same way Sesame St. would have entire shows brought to you by a letter, so we are having an entire evening of trivia brought to you by a letter.  Keep your ears and minds open for "V" words, as the game will be rife with them.

Check the identi-photo below as well.  Figure out what it is by Tuesday evening and you'll be in great shape for one of the questions.

Remember that sign ups begin at 8:00pm, and from 8-9 you can complete a CHALLENGE! for bonus points.  Check the other links about how you can get points as well as tournament info and probably some other stuff, hope to see you out Tuesday!

-Trivia guy

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11/1 Results

Check the two lists below to see how your team A) compared to everyone last night and B) compares to everyone in the tournament.  Remember to click your way back to this page on Monday evening to see next weeks theme and identi-photo!

Nightly results:

1-No talent ass clowns-51
2-I have a tiny penis-50
4-Clown baby-47
4-I lika the ChaCha-47
6-Tongue punch your moms fart box-45
7-Our couches pull out but we don't-43
8-The ginger midgets-42
8-E=MC Hammer-42
10-I'm not gay but 5 bucks is 5 bucks-41
11-Swoot Wooters-40
12-He's a dentist but still gave me a cavity search-38
13-My other ride is your mom-34
13-We don't know Jack, we're just here to mack-34
15-Occupy my mouth-32
16-We put the penis in happiness-27
17-Dude that's my grandma, but she's hot-22
18-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-21
19-Sex & a Sandwich-20
20-Skip foreplay and the fondlers-19
21-Can you blow me where the pampers is?-17
21-Manchester United Sucks-17
23-What is this, a center for ants-13
24-Left Feet-7

Tournament Rankings:top 25 teams
1-No talent ass clowns-133
2-I have a tiny penis-131