Thursday, December 29, 2011

12/27 Results

Check the two lists below to see A) how you stacked up against everyone on Tuesday night and B) how you are doing in the tournament.  Come back next week for more hot trivia action, check the page Monday night for the new identi-photo and theme!

Nightly Results:

1-Kim Jong is no longer ill -71
2-The test Icicles-71
3-Certified Giants-71
4-Midget Handjobs make my dick look huge-70
5-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-69
6-Keep Up-64
7-Our couches pull out but we don't-60
7-My dick is so big…-60
7-Sarah Jean-60
10-Sanduskys shower buddies-58
10-The tittsburg feelers-58
12-Inflatable Menorahs-56
13-E= MC Hammer-53
14-Big mama queef stain and the morning-52
15-Glory Hole-51
16-Rick Jackson: Double 0-50
16-How trivial-50
16-Awful Waffles make me squirt-50
16-Whispering eye-50
16-The Aliens-50
21-The Gina's-49
22-Birds of a shitfeather stick together-48
23-David and the gnome-44
24-Jingle balls-40
25-I was in the shower when I thought of you-38
26-Gently Used Fleshlights-36
28-Kuss's 7th 21st-29
29-Fuck Rudy-24
30-Mixed bag-21
30-Team MacDougal-21
33-Bernies basement-14

Top 25 teams in the tournament:
1-Midget handjobs make my dick look huge-281
2-The Test Icicles-236
3-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-227
4-E=MC Hammer-226
5-Certified Giants-209
6-Our Couches pull out but we don't-204
7-Birds of a shit feather flock together-189
8-Awful waffles make me squirt-186
9-There's no Y in RU Leaving-148
10-Glory Hole-101
11-I may not touch bottom but I'll fuck the shit out of the sides-87
12-Kim Jong is no longer Ill-71
13-The raging Tebowners-66
14-Keep Up-64
15-Bustin Rubbers-62
15-Skip foreplay and the fondlers-62
17-Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist-60
17-My dick is so big…-60
17-Sarah Jean-60
20-Sandusky's shower buddies-58
20-The tittsburgh feelers-58
22-No glove, No love-56
23-Inflatable menorah-56
24-Bernie's baby daddies-52
24-We're the two best friends that anyone could have-52

Monday, December 26, 2011

12/27 Theme and Identi-photo

Hey everyone!  Glad you made it to your favorite trivia site! Come out to Coleman's this Tuesday for some seriously great trivia.  Possibly the best trivia you've ever tasted, actually.  Bring your friends and family who have been just hanging around looking for something new to do with themselves

This week's theme is CRIME SHOWS
The Identi-photo is the same as last week's since I failed to ask a question about it. It would just be rude to have you go to the trouble of figuring out what it is then not offering points... So I reposted the picture.

Remember to get there early, sign ups start at 8:00pm, trivia begins at 9:00, challenges in between (and drink specials)
Also remember to bring in yoru non-perishables for bonus points, we are just 34lbs away from a 2 year total of 5,000lbs!  Let's break that barrier!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/19 Results

The results from MONDAY night trivia at Coleman's are below.  We'll be back on Tuesday December 27th so stay tuned for the new theme!

Nightly results:

1-Midget handjobs make my dick look huge-72
2-Certified giants-68
3-The raging Tebowners-66
4-E=MC Hammer-63
5-The test icicles-56
5-Awful waffles make me squirt-56
5-There's no Y In RU leaving-56
8-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-49
9-Our couches pull out but we don't-46
9-Birds of a shit feather stick together-46
11-Bunch O Drunks-31
11-Intestinal parasites-31
14-Whatever, Whatever -I do what I want-23
15-4 G's-20

Top 25 tournament teams:
1-Midget handjobs make my dick look big-211
2-E=MC Hammer-173
3-The Test Icicles-165
4-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-158
5-There's no Y in RU Leaving-148
6-Our Couches pull out but we don't-144
7-Birds of a shit feather flock together-141
8-Certified Giants-138
9-Awful waffles make me squirt-136
10-I may not touch bottom but I'll fuck the shit out of the sides-87
11-The raging Tebowners-66
12-Bustin Rubbers-62
12-Skip foreplay and the fondlers-62
14-Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist-60
15-No glove, No love-56
16-Bernie's baby daddies-52
16-We're the two best friends that anyone could have-52
18-Glory Hole-50
18-The swansons-50
20-Santa's Little Helpers-46
21-Cake Poppers-42
22-Strictly Dickly-39
23-Ambiguous Genitalia-38
24-The bartender thinks I'm a gobshite-35
25-Birthday girl!-32