Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5/31 Results and tournament rankings

Below are the nightly results for 5/31 and below that are the top 25 teams in the new tournament.

Nightly results:

1-Skip Foreplay-62
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-61
3-America Runs on Blumpkins-57
4-My diaper is full… full of fashion-56
5-I may not touch the bottom but I'll fuck the shit out of the sides-55
6-Endless love: the stevie wonder vs. Helen Keller tennis match-52
7-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-51
8-My other ride is your mom-50
10-Rick Vaughn is winning-49
11-Penis Fly Trap-48
12-Tongue punching the dirt star-47
13-Hampster Died at the wheel-46
14-I need more vitamin Dick Protein for my mouth-45
15-The cunning linguists-43
16-It's not gay if it's a three way-42
17-Where is the Haddock-40
18-Titanic Swim Team-38
19-Manitoba Meatpie-19
20-Dawson Dogs-18
20-My Grandma can't wrestle but you can see her box-18

Tournament rankings:
1-Our couches pull out but we don't-123
2-Skip Foreplay-120
3-My diaper is full… full of fashion-116
4-America Runs on Blumpkins-114
5-Endless love: the stevie wonder vs. Helen Keller tennis match-107
6-I may not touch the bottom but I'll fuck the shit out of the sides-103
6-Rick Vaughn is winning-103
8-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-101
9-I need more vitamin Dick Protein for my mouth-100
10-Where is the Haddock-94
11-It's not gay if it's a three way-91
12-Titanic Swim Team-86
13-Hampster Died at the wheel-73
14-Turn and cough MD-57
16-Other than that Mrs. Kennedy how was the parade?-54
17-My other ride is your mom-50
19-Penis Fly Trap-48
20-Tongue punching the dirt star-47
21-I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take look-46
21-Here to drink, not to win-46
21-Heart Shaped Tittles-46
24-Turn and cough MD 2-44
25-The cunning linguists-43

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