Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Results and tournament standings from 4/12

Nightly results from 4/12

1-Skip Foreplay-62
2-I wish I had a hot tub time machine then I wouldn't have to pay for an abortion-60
3-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-60
4-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-58
5-I wish this microphone was a dick-57
6-I'm a fan of New Dart-52
7-Get outta me, you're terrible-51
8-I'm not a gynecologist but I'll take a look-50
8-How do I tell my girlfriend she's getting fat-50
11-Glove before Love-47
12-Titanic Swim Team-46
13-Mighty Fighty Shush Bugs-45
14-Five Legged Caribou-41
15-Our couches pull out but we don't-40
15-The cunning linguists-40
15-Once you go black, you're a single mom-40
18-Chris Hansen's a cock block-37
18-Broken condom, Broken dreams-37
20-Your mom's our other ride-34
21-I'll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and a side of your finest jellybeans, raw of course-32
21-My hamster died at the wheel-32
23-If Japan could survive Godzilla they can survive this-30
24-It's awful waffle time-29
24-Return of Team Ramrod-29
26-Goes Deeper than you-28
27-What would Steve Zahn do?-26
28-Big Mama Queef Stain and the morning afters-24
29-I'll have the spaghetti basket-23
30-I put two and two together and you're an asshole-12

Top 25 Tournament standings
1-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-121
2-Skip Foreplay-120
3-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-118
4-I wish this microphone was a dick-116
5-I wish I had a hot tub time machine then I wouldn't have to pay for an abortion-115
6-I'm a fan of New Dart-112
7-Titanic Swim Team-104
8-Mighty Fighty Shush Bugs-103
10-Our couches pull out but we don't-93
11-I'll have the milk steak, boild over hard, and a side of your finest jellybeans, raw of course-89
12-Five Legged Caribou-82
13-It's awful waffle time-76
14-What would Steve Zahn do?-74
15-Your mom's our other ride-69
16-Schuyler St. Hooligans-56
17-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-55
18-Turn and Cough-52
19-Get outta me, you're terrible-51
20-I'm not a gynocologist but I'll take a look-50
20-How do I tell my girlfriend she's getting fat-50
22-Glove before Love-47
23-My Koala Bear has an STD-46
23-Heart Shaped Tittles-46
25-Dirt Star trek the next penetration-44

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