As I always say "the rules are simple". Trivia night is intended to be fun and free of bureaucracy, however, to maintain a fun and fair atmosphere the following 3 rules apply and are enforced:
1) No cell phone or cell phone like devices are allowed to be used at all before answer sheets are turned in. This includes but is not limited to: "just texting", phoning a friend for an answer, looking at facebook, playing scrabble on your iphone (Come on, trivia night isn't fun enough for you?), etc. If you can not put your phone away for 15 minutes you should not be playing trivia.
2) No shouting out potential answers. Yes it may be hilarious to shout out a funny response, or it may seem cunning to yell out a wrong answer to throw people off, but it's annoying to everyone when you do it. So don't be annoying.
3) Team size limit is 9 players. More than that and you will have to splinter off and play as two or more teams. But seriously, who wants to split a bar tab 10 ways or more?
The informal last rule is to just be respectful. That should go without saying at all times though.