Also, next week I will be offering teams the option of donating food for 10 points (like usual) OR making me a mix CD with songs you'd like to hear played at trivia for 10 points! If you take the CD route here is what I need to give you credit: It must have at least 10 songs, and a max of 20. You need to list the title and artist of all the songs too. That's it! Feel free to expose me to new tunes/genres but keep in mind that I will only select songs that I think have a broad appeal to add to my mix.
4/10 Nightly Results
1-no glove no love-75
2-I was into the shocker until I discovered the minivan-74
3-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-65
4-Holiday bear-64
4-I wish this microphone was a dick-64
6-Woodchucks playing harps-63
7-Ladies cum first-59
8-Our couches pull out but we don’t-58
8-Happy birthday nipple cakes-58
10-I'll find that hole like I’m stephen hawking-57
11-How I met your mother on
12-Hips and Nips-50
13-My bitches twat looks like a baboons ass but still tastes like skittles-49
14-William Shatner face-45
15-Return of the mooseknuckle-42
16-Mullets rule-40
17-That's the tastiest crunch ive ever heard-39
18-The smashing Blumpkins-39
19-Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-38
20-Psst! He's not looking check your phone-37
21-E=MC Hammer-36
22-Sandy Bits-35
24-Clintons New Job trivia Group-33
24-Sloppy Beef Curtains-33
26-Ozzie Guilliens PR firm-30
27-I Drink Horse Semen for the taste not the nutrition-25
27-Carly Rae Jepson is a pedophile-25
27-I'm not gay but 5 bucks is five bucks-25
30-better late than pregnant-23
31-Instant trivia team, just add alcohol-19
31-Glory Hole-19
34-I may not touch bottom but I'll fuck the shit out of the sides-10
Top 25 tournament rankings after week 6 of 7
1-Holiday bear-398
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-384
3-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-378
4-I'll find that hole like I'm Steven Hawking-360
5-Happy Birthday nipple Cakes-343
6-I wish this microphone was a dick-335
7-Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-324
8-No glove no love-313
8-I loved the shocker until I discovered the minivan-309
10-E=MC Hammer-306
11-You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought-300
12-My Bitch's twat looks like a baboons ass but still tastes like skittles-291
13-No I in team but I am in your sister-269
14-The smashing blumpkins-247
15-Sandy Bitz-240
16-Better late than pregnant-214
17-Glory Hole-194
18-Woodchucks playing harps-180
20-Heart shaped tittles-139
21-Big Mama Queef Stain-124
22-Drinks on me-122
23-Lance Stomps on puppies/ Puppy stompers-119
24-Hips and nips-114
24-Finest wheat-114
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