Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/13 nightly results and tournament rankings

Check the two lists below to see how your team stacked up against everyone last night, and the list below that to track your team's progress in the tournament.  Then come back here on Monday evening to get next weeks theme and identi-photo.  Thanks for being awesome and playing trivia!

Nightly results:

1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-58
2-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-57
3-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-56
4-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-50
5-The young and the rest of us-48
6-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-47
7-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-46
8-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-44
8-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-44
10-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-43
11-Clown Baby-41
12-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-39
14-Penis flytrap-38
15-Our couches pull out but we don't-37
16-Moose knuckle-36
17-The annexation of Puerto Rico-35
17-Team boobs-35
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-30
20-Skip Foreplay-28
21-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-25
22-Rand D-23
23-I don't know why I bother-22
24-Multiple scoregasms-19

Top 25 Tournament rankings:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-178
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-157
3-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-154

4-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-152
5-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-151
6-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-148
7-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-137
8-The young and the rest of us-135
9-Penis flytrap-131
10-Skip Foreplay-129
11-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-126
11-The annexation of Puerto Rico-126
13-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-91
14-Gently used flesh lights-88
15-My other ride is your mom-84
16-Clown Baby-79
17-Multiple scoregasms-74
18-Team boobs-72
19-Moose knuckle-69
20-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-68
21-I don't know why I bother-58
22-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-57
23-I was conceived by my roommates-55
24-Seal Teamsix pack-53

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