Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/27 results and tournament rankings

See the two lists below to track how your team did last night and how you are are doing in the tournament.  Remember that the NEXT TWO WEEKS are DOUBLE POINTS! So there is a lot of opportunity for changes in the lineup!

Nightly Results:

1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-66
2-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-61
3-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-55
4-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-54
5-Our couches pull out but we don't-53
5-The young and the rest of us-53
7-Mr. Banana Grabber-52
8-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-51
9-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-49
10-Penis flytrap-47
11-The annexation of Puerto Rico-46
12-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-44
12-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-44
14-tongue punch your mom's fart box-43
15-Clown Baby-42
15-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-42
15-Team boobs-42
18-Skip Foreplay-38
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-37
20-Tyson Tennyson-33
20-Bridget + Siracuse-33
22-We put the "penis" in happiness"-30
23-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-27
24-Sex & a Sandwich-18

Tournament Rankings:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-299
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-268
3-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-262
4-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-246
5-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-240
6-The young and the rest of us-238
7-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-236
8-Penis flytrap-234
9-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-232
10-The annexation of Puerto Rico-227
11-Skip Foreplay-216
12-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-197
13-Clown Baby-175
14-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-162
14-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-162
16-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-149
17-Team boobs-114
18-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-106
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-96
20-I don't know why I bother-93
21-tongue punch your mom's fart box-92
22-Gently used flesh lights-88
23-My other ride is your mom-84
24-Multiple scoregasms-74
25-Tyson Tennyson-73

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/27 Theme and Identi-photo

Another week has just flown by, but on the bright side, it's trivia time once again! Check the info below for what you need to know...

This weeks theme is THE WIZARD OF OZ!  Never have I been so specific, but I think this is something we can all agree is worthy of having it's own theme.  If we can't agree on that, then come anyways and answer the non-themed questions.

The Identi-photo is below.  Remember to not write about it on here, just figure out what it is so you'll be prepared for me to ask a question about it on Tuesday evening.

What else... I guess just remember to get in early for sign ups- they start at 8:00pm, and take advantage of the drink specials ($12 for a bucket of 5 beers) and, uh, you know, keep on rockin in the free world.  Challenges will start shortly after sign ups (and they are well worth trying) and don't forget the non-perishables for bonus points.  See the links on the right for more on that.  I'll see you and your friends out there tomorrow then!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/20 Nightly Results and Tournament Rankings

Hey! I hope you came out and had a great time this Tuesday, I know I did!  Check the two lists below to see how things shook out in the trivia battle, and below that to see how the trivia war is going. I am going to be building the  winners trophy this week, and as I promised, it will be unlike any other trophy you have seen. Stay tuned...

Nightly Results:

1-Our couches pull out but we don't-58
2-Penis flytrap-56
3-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-55
3-The annexation of Puerto Rico-55
5-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-54
5-Clown Baby-54
7-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-52
8-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-51
8-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-51
8-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-51
11-The young and the rest of us-50
12-Skip Foreplay-49
12-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-49
12-tongue punch your mom's fart box-49
15-They call me colonel angus-46
15-Seeley has no facebook friends-46
17-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-45
18-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-44
19-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-41
20-Tyson Tennyson-40
21-I don't know why I bother-35
21-Team touch-a touch-a touch me-35
23-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-29
24-Team Marvel-28
25-Brother Jack off's-22
26-"Too Young" is just another name in China-16

Tournament top 25 rankings:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-233
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-215

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/20 Theme and Identi-photo

Welcome back ye olde trivia player!  Welcome home. As your trivia guy I am here to fulfill your need for themes and identi-photo's so keep reading this brief.

This week's theme is RHYMES WITH "SHOE".  I love it, and I know you will too.  You can rhyme can't you? You're gonna do great then!

Check the photo below, figure out what it is without writing anything about it on here. There will be a question on Tuesday asking about it.

Recall that sign ups for trivia start at 8:00pm, and once you are signed up you should really try a Challenge. They are fun, and contain almost 3% of your nightly recommended points!  But Challenges end at 9:00 so don't be tardy to the party.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/13 nightly results and tournament rankings

Check the two lists below to see how your team stacked up against everyone last night, and the list below that to track your team's progress in the tournament.  Then come back here on Monday evening to get next weeks theme and identi-photo.  Thanks for being awesome and playing trivia!

Nightly results:

1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-58
2-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-57
3-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-56
4-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-50
5-The young and the rest of us-48
6-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-47
7-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-46
8-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-44
8-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-44
10-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-43
11-Clown Baby-41
12-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-39
14-Penis flytrap-38
15-Our couches pull out but we don't-37
16-Moose knuckle-36
17-The annexation of Puerto Rico-35
17-Team boobs-35
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-30
20-Skip Foreplay-28
21-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-25
22-Rand D-23
23-I don't know why I bother-22
24-Multiple scoregasms-19

Top 25 Tournament rankings:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-178
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-157
3-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-154

Monday, September 12, 2011

9/13 Theme and Identi-photo

What's up?  Don't answer that, it would just sound creepy.  I just need to mix up my salutations to keep the blog poppin' and fresh.

This week, if you come to Coleman's you will be treated to trivia with the overall theme of TV SHOWS THAT TAKE PLACE IN NEW YORK STATE.  There are a bunch of them, and we'll be celebrating the good, bad, and worst of them.

Check the identi-photo below, but type not a word about it.  I'll be axin' a question on Tuesday about what exactly it is, and look at you, getting a head start on your points!

Remember you can get bonus points in the following ways: Being one of the first 10 teams to sign up, bringing in non-perishable food (see the links on the right) and succeeding in a Challenge. These points really add up and are worth getting!

The sign ups begin at 8:00pm, followed by challenges, then trivia Q's.  Get there early for the most tender seats, get there late if you don't mind standing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/6 Results

Check the two lists below to see how your team did overall last night and how you are doing in the tournament.  Remember to "like" us on facebook.  Oh look at that, it's super easy with that link on the right. That way on Tuesdays you'll see the theme pop up in your news feed.  How convenient is that?

Also, this is important to me so I am going to ask you to help me out.  Wednesday is the last day to vote this as "best blog" in Syracuse! The voting is easy, when you get to the "best blog" part, type in "Tuesday Night Trivia at Coleman's" Do this right Here

Nightly Results
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-64
2-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-61
3-Our couches pull out but we don't-61
4-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-55
5-Skip Foreplay-54
6-Seal team six pack-53
7-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-51
8-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-49
9-Gently used flesh lights-47
9-The young and the rest of us-47
9-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-47
12-My other ride is your mom-46
12-No means yes and yes means anal-46
14-Penis flytrap-45
15-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-44
15-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-44
17-The annexation of Puerto Rico-43
18-Revenge of the vaginal blood fart-42
19-Yep, that's a picture of a horse having sex with me-41
19-What does grandmas pussy smell like…depends-41
21-Titanic swim team-39
22-Clown Baby-38
23-Team boobs-37
24-Jonny goes bananas-34
25-Moose knuckle-33
26-Impreggo my eggo-32
27-Why are you so sweaty?-29
28-Multiple scoregasms-28
29-Ninja mike Huntz-26

Top 25 tournament rankings 
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-120
1-Our couches pull out but we don't-120

Monday, September 5, 2011

9/6 Theme and Identi-photo

Dear friends of trivia night, GOOD NEWS! Trivia is continuing on.  I know the school year is started, and summer is coming to a close, but trivia is not slowing it's pace!  According to the FDA, trivia night is an important part of a balanced life, so don't skip it.

This week our theme is 90'S MUSIC.  Starting in 1990 and ending in 1999 there was actually some pretty good stuff being recorded, now you can get points for paying attention to it.

Check the identi-photo below, figure out what it is but don't say anything about it on here.  I'll ask a question about it's identity on Tuesday night.

Remember you can get bonus points by being one of the first 10 teams to sign up, by completing a challenge for your team and by bringing in non-perishable food.  For more info, check the links on the right.   Remember sign ups begin at 8:00pm, then we do challenges from 8:15ish-9:00 and trivia Q's start at 9pm.   Get to Coleman's early for good seats!