Nightly Results:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-66
2-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-61
3-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-55
4-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-54
5-Our couches pull out but we don't-53
5-The young and the rest of us-53
7-Mr. Banana Grabber-52
8-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-51
9-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-49
10-Penis flytrap-47
11-The annexation of Puerto Rico-46
12-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-44
12-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-44
14-tongue punch your mom's fart box-43
15-Clown Baby-42
15-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-42
15-Team boobs-42
18-Skip Foreplay-38
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-37
20-Tyson Tennyson-33
20-Bridget + Siracuse-33
22-We put the "penis" in happiness"-30
23-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-27
24-Sex & a Sandwich-18
Tournament Rankings:
1-Do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?-299
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-268
3-You mean this isn't a gang bang?-262
4-Camoflage condoms…She'll never see me cumming-246
5-I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as my car-240
6-The young and the rest of us-238
7-Swallow bitch, there are people starving in Africa-236
8-Penis flytrap-234
9-I'm going to put my cock-a-moely all over your face-a-dilla-232
10-The annexation of Puerto Rico-227
11-Skip Foreplay-216
12-We're not cheating we're just sexting your mom-197
13-Clown Baby-175
14-The points don't matter, just like the strippers name-162
14-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-162
16-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-149
17-Team boobs-114
18-It's not rape if you yell "surprise"-106
19-Stop the bus…and let my brother Jack off-96
20-I don't know why I bother-93
21-tongue punch your mom's fart box-92
22-Gently used flesh lights-88
23-My other ride is your mom-84
24-Multiple scoregasms-74
25-Tyson Tennyson-73