I hope you all had an enjoyable Independence Day weekend, and properly celebrated with friends, family and forefathers. If you are older than 23 and a half years old, you have been around for more than 10% of our nations entire history. Congratulations.
If you have come to this site to learn more than that, then keep reading.
You definitely are going to want to come out to Trivia on Tuesday, because this weeks theme is: ADAM SANDLER MOVIES!
Also it's a DOUBLE POINTS night in the tournament, so don't miss out!
Check below for the Identi-photo. Figure out what it is to be prepared for a round 2 question on Tuesday.
Remember, get to Coleman's early. Sign ups and challenges start at 8:00pm. Don't forget about Bonus points either (those will be doubled too!) see the links on the top right to learn more!
I know what it is! too bad I am in NC...:(