Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/29 Results + final tournament scores

Check below to see how your team stacked up last night, and overall in the tournament. We'll be starting a fresh new tourney next week!

Nightly Results
1-Bobby The Blade-62
2-Skip Foreplay and the fondlers-60
3-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-59
3-I went to mexico and all I got was a dirty sanchez-59
3-Bezoar like an eagle-59
6-I'm a fan of New Dart-56
7-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-55
8-What would Steve Zahn do?-53
9-Titanic swim team-51
9-The cunning linguists-51
11-Our Couches pull out but we don't-50
11-The mighty fighty shush bugs-50
13-You cant get my mouth pregnant-49
13-It's a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out-49
13-Oh Cliff, do me like a dune pony!-49
16-Heart Shaped tittles-46
16-Moist Justice-46
16-I swear I've never done this before-46
19-No means yes and yes means anal-44
21-You're a 2 at 10, but you're a 10 at 2-42
23-Your mom's my other ride-38
24-I wish this microphone was a dick-36
24-I put 2 and 2 together and decided you're pissin me off-36
26-It's awful waffle time-34
27-Canadian turtlenecks-33
28-Big test icicles-32
30-Team Ramrod-26
31-Lindsey McDowell is a sexual dynamo-22
32-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-18

Final top 25 teams of the tournament
1-I'm a fan of New Dart-384
2-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-382
3-You cant get my mouth pregnant-366
4-Skip Foreplay-352
5-Titanic swim team-348
6-Our Couches pull out but we don't-343
8-What would Steve Zahn do?-304
9-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-296
10-The cunning linguists-284
11-You're a 2 at 10, but you're a 10 at 2-240
12-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-238
13-Your mom's my other ride-236
14-I went to mexico and all I got was a dirty sanchez-227
15-It's awful waffle time-210
16-Crouching Woman, Hidden Cucumber-209
17-Heart Shaped tittles-194
18-Steve Was Delicious-156
19-No means yes and yes means anal-146
20-Trust is two cannibals blowing eachother-138
21-Turn and Cough-132
22-Just the tip-128
23-The mighty fighty shush bugs-103
24-I wish this microphone was a dick-97
25-Team Beardjob-95

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