Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/29 Results + final tournament scores

Check below to see how your team stacked up last night, and overall in the tournament. We'll be starting a fresh new tourney next week!

Nightly Results
1-Bobby The Blade-62
2-Skip Foreplay and the fondlers-60
3-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-59
3-I went to mexico and all I got was a dirty sanchez-59
3-Bezoar like an eagle-59
6-I'm a fan of New Dart-56
7-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-55
8-What would Steve Zahn do?-53
9-Titanic swim team-51
9-The cunning linguists-51

Monday, March 28, 2011

3/29 Theme and Identiphoto

Here is the information you have been awaiting... The theme this week is LEISURE ACTIVITIES
Hey, trivia night is a leisure activity... nice!  And of course the identiphoto is below (not the adirondack chairs, the purple pixelated thing)

Remember not to write about the identiphoto on here.

Want to learn about Bonus points, and when to get there etc?  Check the links on the right! -->

Tournament prize

If you have been diligently playing in the Tournament despite knowing what the end prize is, I thank you for your fidelity.  We are giving away this double Adirondack chair set.  Pretty sweet, right?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nightly Results and Tournament Standings as of 3/22

Nightly results for 3/22
1-Skip Foreplay-64
2-I wish this microphone was a dick -61
2-I'm a fan of New Dart -61
2-Steve Was Delicious-61
5-Our Couches pull out but we don't-58
6-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-57
7-Schuyler St. Hooligans-56
8-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-55
9-The mighty fighty shush bugs-53
10-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-52
10-No means yes and yes means anal-52
12-Titanic swim team-49
12-Bill Clinton Cigar Shops-49
14-You cant get my mouth pregnant-48

Monday, March 21, 2011

3/22 The theme and Identi-photo are...

Don't let SU's untimely exit from the NCAA tournament get you down, we have just the thing that will get you feeling good about life again, it's called "trivia night"

The theme this week is NEW YORK STATE.

You can get Bonus points by A) being one of the first 10 teams to sign up B) Bringing in non-perishable food (1pt/item max 5pts/team) C) Successfully completing a challenge between 8:00-9:00pm

Don't forget to take a look at the identi-photo below.  Yeah, it's coins, but from where?  (DON'T WRITE ABOUT THE PHOTO ON HERE)

Get there early!  Sign ups start at 8:00pm (and so do challenges)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nightly results and tournament rankings from 3/15

Since I have changed the site and added some contests to the trivia night I'm eager to hear your thoughts.  Feel free to leave comments or message me about anything you like, or would like to see done differently.

Nightly results for 3/15/11

1-You cant get my mouth pregnant-61
2-I'm a fan of New Dart -59
2-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-59
4-Titanic swim team-59
5-Certified giants-58
6-The cunning linguists-57
7-I went to mexico and all I got was a dirty sanchez-55
8-Our Couches pull out but we don't-53
9-What would Steve Zahn do?-52
11-Skip Foreplay-51
11-It's awful waffle time-51
11-Team Beardjob-51
14-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-49
14-You're a 2 at 10, but you're a 10 at 2-49
16-Claudia loves pubes and lubes-45
17-Gary Coleman, Dying is the closest He'll get to 6 feet-43
18-Crouching Woman, Hidden Cucumber-42
19-Your mom's my other ride-41
20-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-40
21-The Grenadiers-39
21-High Ground-39
21-It's a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out-39

Tournament standings after 3/15

1-I'm not racist, I'm just terrified of minorities-271
2-You cant get my mouth pregnant-269
3-I'm a fan of New Dart-267
4-Titanic swim team-248
6-Our Couches pull out but we don't-235
7-The cunning linguists-233
8-Skip Foreplay-228
9-Crouching Woman, Hidden Cucumber-209
10-What would Steve Zahn do?-207
11-I may have lost my virginity but I still have the box it came in-184
12-I went to mexico and all I got was a dirty sanchez-168
13-Big mama queef stain and the morning afters-165
14-Your mom's my other ride-161
15-You're a 2 at 10, but you're a 10 at 2-152
16-It's awful waffle time-138
16-Trust is two cannibals blowing eachother-138
18-Turn and Cough-132
19-Just the tip-128
20-Heart Shaped tittles-116
21-Team Beardjob-95
21-Steve Was Delicious-95
23-Mackk Attackk-69
24-Certified giants-58
25-Momtown Riot Squad-56

Monday, March 14, 2011

And the theme this week is....

In honor of St. Patricks day this week the theme will be Holidays Made for Drinking! 

... So basically "holidays"

Don't forget there are lots of ways you can get points.  Check the Identi-photo first of all since I'll be asking a question about it in round 2 (see previous post).  Bring in non-perishable food for bonus points Up to 5 points will be given per team.  Each item is worth 1 point.

And remember to come in early because from 8-9pm anyone on your team can complete one of the random challenges and earn 2 points before we start!

Get there early, sign ups and challenges begin at 8:00pm, and trivia questions begin at 9:00pm

Identi-photo for 3/15/2011

Without writing anything publicly that would identify this item, your task is to figure out what kind of bottle this is.  You'll need to be more specific than blue glass.  So happy hunting!

The new Official site of Coleman's Trivia

Hello and thanks for making it to the new official site of Coleman's Tuesday Night Trivia!
Click the "Home" link on the right --> to see the current theme/ posts.  Go ahead, do it now.-->

If you were part of the facebook group site, I will still be using that for a while but you should know that I am going to be slowly moving away from that service, as their reliability has been declining and their functionality is pretty poor. 

Here you will find all the latest tournament rankings, nightly scores, new contests, chances for bonus points, identi-photos and more.  Please bookmark the page or become a follower so you can go back to it at your leisure.