Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/27 Results

Check the two lists below to see how yoru team did last night (3/27) and how they are faring overall after week 4 of a 7 week tournament.  check back to this site next Monday night or Tuesday for the new theme and identi-photo!

Nightly Results for 3/27
1-Happy birthday nipple cakes-76
2-Holiday bear-74
3-No I in team but I am in your sister-73
4-I wish this microphone was a dick-69
5-Puppy stompers-68
7-I'm gay.  No seriously, it’s not the team name-65
8-E=MC Hammer-64
8-Hips and Nips-64
10-You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought-62
11-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-60
11-Woodchucks playing harps-60
13-Anne franks hide and seek team-59
14-I was into the shocker until I discovered the minivan-53
14-The bone heads-53
16-Our couches pullout but we don’t-50
17-Butt I poop from there-49
18-no means yes and yes means anal-48
19-Wigggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-47
20-Team wet dream-46
21-Better late than pregnant-44
22-The points don’t matter just like the strippers name-42
23-Chicken nuggets-39
24-The smashing blumpkins-38
24-heart shaped tittles-38
26-I'll find that hole like I’m Stephen Hawking-37
27-Glory Hole-36
28-Sandy Bits-30
29-My bitches twat looks like a baboons ass but tastes like skittles-22
30-Big mama queef stain-6

Top 25 teams after week 4 of the tournament
1-Holiday bear-285
2-I wish this microphone was a dick-271
3-No I in team but I am in your sister-269
4-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-256
5-Our couches pull out but we don't-253
6-I'll find that hole like I'm Steven Hawking-236
7-I loved the shocker until I discovered the minivan-235
8-You came in that thing? Youre braver than I thought-229
8-Happy Birthday nipple Cakes-220
10-E=MC Hammer-219
10-Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-219
12-My Bitches twat looks like a baboons ass but still tastes like skittles-177
14-Sandy Bitz-170
15-The smashing blumpkins-165
16-No glove no love-164
17-Better late than pregnant-147
18-Glory Hole-140
19-Heart shaped tittles-139
20-Big Mama Queef Stain-124
21-Drinks on me-122
22-Lance Stomps on puppies/ Puppy stompers-119
23-Finest wheat-114
24-Would you look at that?!-100
25-No means yes and yes means anal-81

Monday, March 26, 2012

3/27 Theme and identi-photo

Hello!  I hope you are in a good mood when you read this, but if not then I hope you plan to come to Coleman's this evening to get into a good mood, cause that's what we'll be serving Tuesday night.

The theme this week is FAMOUS FIRST AND LAST LINES.

Check out the identi-photo below and figure out what it is so you can answer a question about it on Tuesday.

Remember that registration begins at 8:00pm, then it's time for challenges and trivia begins at 9:00.  Bonus points for completing a challenge and bonus points for bringing in non-perishable foods-  see you at Coleman's!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/20 results

The two lists below show the nightly results from 3/20 trivia night at Coleman's and the top 25 teams in the tournament after week 3 of 7.  Check back to the page next week for the new theme and identi-photo!
Nightly results from 3/20
1-Holiday bear-70
2-Our couches pull out-69
3-I wish this microphone was a dick-67
4-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-66
4-I'll find that hole like I’m Steven Hawking-66
6-You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought-65
7-No I in team but I am in your sister-64
8-The bearded clam diggers-60
9-Happy birthday nipple cakes-59
10-wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-57
11-By bitches twat looks like a baboons ass but -54
11-Better late than pregnant-54
13-Happy birthday Ryan-53
13-Best day of the year is 362 days away-53
15-Heart Shaped tittles-52
16-Finest wheat-51
16-Lance stomps on puppies-51
18-E=MC hammer-44
18-big mama queef stain-44
20-I was into the shocker until I discovered the minivan-43
21-No glove no love-42
21-Rush limbaughs sluts-42
23-Sandy Bitz-37
24-Foodbank works for beer & cider-34
25-No means yes and yes means anal-33
26-Smashing blumpkins-30
27-I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy-29
29-Kracka pussiez n'hiz minionszzz-23
30-Glory Hole-22

Top 25 teams in the tournament after week 3
1-Holiday bear-211
2-Our couches pull out but we don't-203
3-I wish this microphone was a dick-202
4-I'll find that hole like I'm Steven Hawking-199
5-The good the bad and we left your mother at home-196
5-No I in team but I am in your sister-196
7-I loved the shocker until I discovered the minivan-182
8-Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle-172
8-You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought-167
10-No glove no love-164
11-My Bitches twat looks like a baboons ass but still tastes like skittles-155
11-E=MC Hammer-155
13-Happy Birthday nipple Cakes-144
14-Sandy Bitz-140
15-The smashing blumpkins-127
16-Drinks on me-122
17-Big Mama Queef Stain-118
18-Finest wheat-114
20-Glory Hole-104
21-Better late than pregnant-103
22-Heart shaped tittles-101
23-Would you look at that?!-100
24-Certified Giants-63
25-Bearded Clam Diggers-60

Monday, March 19, 2012

3/20 Theme and Identi-photo

Well folks, I don't know how you plan to celebrate the last day of winter, but I plan on doing it with style at Coleman's by conducting a fantastic set of trivia questions that I am writing specifically for you.  So you better come out and play.

The theme this week is MUSICALS!  This has been on the "to do" list for a while, so I am doing it! 

Check the identi-photo below for a question about it tomorrow. Identify it and you'll be set.

Remember that registration begins at 8:00pm, then it's challenge time until 9:00pm when trivia questions start bouncing around the room. Don't forget that you can get bonus points for bringing in non-perishables too!